Lady Knockerz Brings High Quality comedy














 Stop it! No really stop, I can’t Breathe!











Quality Craftsmanship guaranteed

Lady Abigail Knockerz – LK’s process is designed with the frontal lobe in mind. Oh don’t be daft, LK did just say the frontal lobe – the one in your brain, because that is the area of the brain that detects and understand humor.

The reason LK says this is because it appears more and more people lately have opted to have this section of their brains removed or frozen.   

It all starts with a concept, then a look at current events or personal experiences. Reality is often funnier than sitting in a dark corner of a closet making crap up.

To better understand humor one must stop looking at everything like a victim and how it can be interpreted as offensive. It might just be funny.

To be clear – LK doesn’t see color – unless it’s purple then she see that for sure. Ok, back to it. LK doesn’t see race, gender, sexual preferences, or height, weight – um well maybe cause the scale in her bathroom has yet to learn PC culture. In other words, LK makes fun of or jokes out of everything she sees and if you do something to warrant a discussion who and what you are mattes not. Was it funny. That’s all she cares about. Did these same people miss the psyche analysis that laughter is the best medicine. 

“The benefits of laughter. It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.” on benefits of laughter for mental health

 So maybe we should stop looking for a reason to get angry and allow ourselves to find the humor in the stupid shite we all do, ourselves including. LK laughs at herself even when she’s alone – with a cup of tea. Usually because she finds herself wearing it. 

“The field of medicine has long recognized the importance of humor. In the 1300s, Henri de Mondeville, a professor of surgery, propagated post-operative therapy with humor. 

Norman Cousins, a journalist and a professor, also initiated this trend when he developed his own “treatment,” based on mood elevation through laughter. According to Cousins, ten minutes of laughter resulted in two hours of pain free sleep.” According to

We are proud to provide a good belly laugh along with images in your head that might make you think positive and funny thoughts. 

Lady Knockerz at Rise N Shine Cafe about to perform

meet our team

Emoji Fred Laughing

Emoji placed on posts people leave about LK


Lady Knockerz climbing aboard her tour bus waving at fans…
















lady Abigail Knockerz 

Lady Knockerz climbing aboard her tour bus waving at fans… And yes, that is a Trump bag made for LK by the famous designer Timmy Woods of Beverly Hill, Ca (Best known for the Eiffel Tower bag Sarah Jessica Parker carried in Sex in the City 

Ethel the Office lady

Office Professional listening to LK to keep from killing her co-workers or her boss



Lady Knockerz climbing aboard her tour bus waving at fans…

A little humor and a little truth.

Actually, LK is a strange nut, she doesn’t like ice cream, chocolate, or meat. Yup she’s a vegetarian. Actually she calls it a chickatarian because she does eat those pesky chickens. 


SJP with Eiffel Tower bag by Timmy Woods of Beverly Hills.



LK Is There for You!

LK travels extensively performing all over the country.

She has entertained audiences in Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA, New York, New York, Washington D.C., Mobile, AL, New Orleans, LA, Nashville, TN, Houston, TX, and Las Vegas and Reno, NV. 

If you want her to perform at your event contact us on the contact tab or the booking tab. 

In order to best serve you, our fans, we have gathered a bunch of cameras and equipment and built a studio to build a youtube channel. Please follow LK on Parler, Rumble, FB, Youtube, Twitter or anywhere you can find her. 

LK specializes in real life events and experiences. If you have a story you’d like her to use. Contact us and as always, she’ll give you a shout out about your story.

Simply give LK a shout today!


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